I was talking with my buddy Everett Stillwell, the gonzo film critic, about Mongrel and what we're proving with RED HANDS and DIRTY RED HANDS, and he was trying to wrap his brain around it and luckily for the rest of you I was recording the whole thing on my digital recorder (podcasts are in the works, btw):
ME: I think everyone understands that the old model has broken for years, and now it's really BROKEN.
E.S.: You mean with regards to making movies...
ME: Making movies, writing books, making music, like basically anything which can be recorded digitally. All that shit. See, now that you can record everything with little ones and zeros, there's no product anymore. There's nothing you can sell. Anything you create can be instantly duplicated and downloaded, and you can play the game and try to protect it, but why bother? It doesn't exist anymore. There's no artifact.
E.S.: SO... What is there?
ME: There's experience. That's all we have left. Experience, and then of course the t-shirt you make to commemorate the experience, which itself is a copy and just falls apart after like four or five washings. It's mono no aware for the twenty-first century.
E.S.: What's that?
ME: Mono no aware is the foundation of Japanese art and philosophy. Everything is temporary, that's what makes it so sad and so vital and beautiful. The tech has finally caught up to this wisdom, proving its truth.
E.S.: I'm lost.
ME: Exactly. There's nothing to hold onto anymore.
E.S.: So what are we left with?
ME: We're left with the campfire. We're left huddling around the campfire telling stories. Stories, with different narratives attached to them. Take what we're doing with DIRTY RED HANDS. We are proving that the auteur theory is for shit. There is a story, DIRTY RED HANDS, and there are narrative interpretations of that story, we've got different director's cuts coming out, but there is not one singular "authentic" version of this story. We are also interested in having all the footage that we shot available for anyone to download and create their own narrative with. No one has ever done anything like this. Instead of trying to control and manipulate and hold on, we are respecting the campfire and the story, and the experience.
E.S.: And why exactly are you doing this?
ME: Because this is honesty. This is what you have to do if you are a 21st century creative communicator. Deny it all you want. Hide behind your castles of ego and greed. Cling to your old art and collect your paintings and other artifacts, and tell yourself you have something. You have nothing. You have dust. You have nothing but yourself and your experiences. We are trying to show you that. This is just as much your story as it is ours. This is what's real. This is all for you.
E.S.: But at the same time you're trying to sell this shit; you're trying to make money...
ME: Of course, that's why God created deluxe special collector's editions. That's why God created t-shirts.
Right on brotha!