I was looking over some of the more recent posts and I don't think I've done a very good job of being clear on just exactly how revolutionary this project is.
I think one of the major reasons RED HANDS and DIRTY RED HANDS have been so successful is that all the players involved have all agreed on this new mindset for making movies. Collaboration. It's a word that gets thrown around a lot, but with this project it's real.
Everyone involved has been treated like an equal, because we all are. In Hollywood there's this weird hierarchy of the director and the producer. People will tell you that these guys have to be in charge because otherwise everything falls apart. I have no idea why this is valid. Maybe it's because of the French and their promotion of the auteur theory, which I think is total bullshit. It's pretty adolescent if you think about it. You could just as easily shape cinema around editors or production designers, or any of the key players. Whatever. With this project everyone understood what they were doing and were respectful to let the other people do their art. I've been the community organizer, but I'm no more the leader than anyone else.
I remember talking to one of our directors and trying to explain to him that he could do whatever he wanted with the footage once the shoot was over. Anyone can. We respect each other and share and give credit. Why does there only have to be one signature? We're a community and we're creating community property. This isn't communism, it's rationality and respect for the current technology. This is the new paradigm.
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