(PLEASE NOTE: to see more work by the amazing photographer who took these pics please go to ranrefael.com)
I was so into writing about the DIRTY RED HANDS shoot that I forgot to mention that we had our official MONGREL party #2 last Friday.
The purpose of these parties is to raise awareness about alternative methods of creating movies, music and books, and to also give mongrels a chance to hang out and freak off each other. Mongrel party #2 was highly successful in both regards.
Ed Joyce, the director of RED HANDS, and myself showed the rival footage of RED HANDS we'd cut and then I just gave up - originally I was going to arm wrestle him to see who's version made it into the final cut, but Ed's was so amazing that there was no point in getting physical. Hopefully he'll have it done soon so we can post it and you can have a look.
Then there was the jello wrestling. I've never been to a jello wrestling event before so I was surprised by how technical it really is.
Netahly Leddel
The very talented actress playing DALL in RED HANDS and DIRTY RED HANDS (who also hosted this gracious event) was the ref and got pulled into the jello herself and had to beat her way out.We are planning MONGREL party #3 in Venice to coincide with this new mongrel movie-project me and Bryn Mooser are putting together, and then MONGREL party #4 for the end of MAY, to be hopefully held at the ECHO, where we will be celebrating and showing DIRTY RED HANDS and having a very mongrel time. Hope to see you there!
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