Saturday, February 14, 2009

Red Hands DIARY

So it's been a few weeks but the Red Hands train is still chug chugging away. Bob is basically done with episode 4 and 11 and a hot little trailer that came as an unexpected happy surprise.

I've applied to the big Netflix contest and explained to them that with $350, 000 we can make 3 movies instead of the one they're supplying the money for. I feel this gives up a little competitive advantage.

I've also just finished applying to this Film Independent Fast Track market thing. Looks promising. If we're picked up then we get to meet lots of rich people who will be blown away by how creative and economical our project is.

Kim has basic production budget for the rest of the shoot and it's just under $80,000 which is double what I wanted. If we get hooked up through these markets and contests I'm entering then it'll be okay, but if we have to go to individual investors we'll have to cut $20,000, which if you think big picture outside the box, model reformation, won't be that hard.

We're planning a viewing party for around March 1st at the place we did all our shooting. It will be the first official Mongrel party and should be really, really fun. Hopefully the start of many more.

I'm playing around with this concept called "environmental movie-making." Basically the opposite of how most movies are made. This would be about working with the environment, instead of against it. Less ego and more community. More idiosyncratic regionalism. Something like that. Cool name at least.

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