Sunday, August 2, 2009


So we had an official LLC meeting a couple weeks ago where I impressed upon our editors that the sooner they finish they're cuts, even if it's just a rough cut of the full feature, the sooner we can shop it around and start hooking up places where we can screen it. I think they got the message.

Last Friday I went out with Refael (our web guru) and Daniel (our actor and graphic designer) to some bars downtown to look at potential possibilities. We started at the top with the Standard and worked our way straight into the gutter with the Smell (which was closed, but the smell lingered on...). At around 1:30, still having not found a place that was suitably hip and progressive and gritty, but still affluent I took the party over to the Echo in Echopark. This was paydirt. The Echo has everything and most importantly has the right crowd. I don't think Refael was that impressed, especially with the women. That's okay, he'll come around that the real visercal excitement of a place like the Echo far outplays the plastic cliche fantasy of the Standard. We shot footage of this great outing and should have a videopodcast for the site as soon as Refael can find the connecting wires.

I've recorded a couple more MONGREL podcasts, which in various forms are available on the site. I think I'll have to set up another site dedicated to the podcasts. So be it. After three I'm starting to get the hang of the technical aspects.

The collective agreed that August will be about loading content onto the site, and that at the beginning of September we'll have the launch party. We're going for a "white trash" theme, complete with mud wrestling and homemade moonshine. We'll raise some money from this party to help pay for our state business tax in November. In October, from this momentum we've established, we'll have the big desert party in Palm Springs. I'm going out to the desert this Tuesday to solidify the details of that with Kimberly Nichols, our desert party queen.

Next objective - T-shirts.

Stay tuned to to see how this all continues to develop.