Saturday, June 6, 2009

"IN YOUR FACE" real-time performance project

Today 6/6/9 at 1:15PM I launched the latest mmmmmongrel project titled, IN YOUR FACE, a real-time performance project interacting with the friend's comments on FACE BOOK. Facebook is fun, but it's also really stupid. People are encouraged to post the most boring and irrelevent shit about their lives and it's somehow, applauded? - is that the right word. It's like despite all this cool and fun technology, people are behaving socially just conservitavily as their grandparents did in the 1950s.

This could be happening for a variety of different reasons and IN YOUR FACE is a project designed to investigate and maybe uncover some buried truths about social interaction, technology, and honesty in general.

It works like this: for forty-eight hours I'll be responding as honestly as I can to the really stupid comments people make on my facebook wall. I'll be cataloguing the responses I get and using this information to come up with a summation, which I'll post here. My prediction is that once you start to tweak the extremely banal veneer of FACEBOOK comments, everything will quickly erode to the most egregious and immature and angry sort of "communication." Does this mean that people are showing their true colors?, or is it just reactive and a form of "socializing" against "trolls." I personally think the whole concept and pigeonholing of internet "trolls" is very atavistic and deeply conservative, and I can't wait to get the results of this very exciting performance project!

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