Did the party at the location. Was perfect. Most of the cast and crew showed. Lots of other cool people arrived, thanks to our amazing AD. The location is like the Disneyland that exists in my mind. I got to see the basement -- I didn't even know basements existed in L.A. county. People were rowdy and drinks were spilled.
Ed, our director, has his own version of our first two scenes that he's cooking up and he's convinced they're like a million times better than what our editor Bob and me came up with. Ha! As if. I challenged him to a smackdown and like a fool he agreed. In about a month we're gonna hit some night spot over on the Westside of L.A. and show both versions and get in a fist fight and let the assembled mongrels and civs vote to decide what they like better. Should be a hoot. I'll also unvail the next Mongrel Movie Project which will be really cool and fun and most important FREE; something to tide us over until we get the cash to finish Red Hands.
If you missed this first party you really don't wanna miss the second, or the third, or the...
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