Once again the members of Dirty Red Hands met at Neti's to check out rough cuts of episodes of Dirty Red Hands. Hector was unable to show up so we didn't get to see the full length rough cut he'd promised.
Because I'm a very impatient person and I feel that this project should have been wrapped up by now, last week I brought Khoren Mirzakhanian, who's this wonderkid post production hot shot to come up with another version of DRH and we watched the cool shit he's edited and cooked up. Good stuff.
Neshia has agreed to be our party promoter club wrangler because I suck at that shit. At this point we're planning one of our premiers for the middle of July.
We are also very lucky that the extremely cool and talented Sylvan has agreed do some composition for DRH. His stuff is very exciting and he speaks with a suave French accent. Check out his work:
http://www.musicbysylvan.com/Oh, right, and at the meeting I tried to sell the idea of having subtitles for some of the scenes in DRH when we were shooting in environments that shredded our sound. I truly believe that if you look at current docs and a few of the more progressive directors (David Lynch, Tony Scott, anyone who's Brazilian), you will see that subtitles are not only very sexy but also completely accepted as par for course in this new world of digital story-telling, when you can't always control your sound. The other members of the collective thought very differently (despite my stunning Breathless analogy and other pretentious grandstanding postulations), and that's what's cool about a collective, everyone, from the actors to the directors to the editors and composers, everyone gets to contribute and be heard. I certainly heard them and now we're doing an ADR (sound looping) session at the end of the month. I of course hope that it all gets fucked up and we'll be forced to go in the subtitle direction, but unfortunately for me everyone on this project is so professional and talented that they'll probably come up with amazing stuff and we'll end up having really pristine dialogue in those scenes. And that's totally cool too.
Also I think I offended everyone when I suggested that we sell smelly "collectable" t-shirts and thongs emblazoned with the DRH art that we'd personally worn for a while and not washed. It's okay, I'm sure Picasso has similar marketing ideas which weren't understood in his time either.
As soon as Khoren has episodes locked we'll start putting them up on our new website:
This blog should be viewable over there too... Actually I'm sure how that transition will work. I'll keep you posted. Oh, right, and I've got my podcasting gear which I'm learning how to use so there will be podcasts of behind the scenes Dirty Red Hands action available.
Hector's incredibly cool cut should also be up on the website when he's done with it, along with Ed's director's cut of the original (non guerrilla) budgeted RED HANDS, of which we still need about $40,ooo to complete. If you are an investor and you watch Ed's director's cuts, beware, your checkbook will start writing itself!